Vignette styling tips

A vignette is a grouping of objects that adds visual interest to spaces, plus tells a personal story throughout your home. 

So why should you bother? Creating vignettes is an enjoyable creative process. It involves taking the time to look through your favourite items and display them in a stylish way so you can appreciate them every day. It’s also a fast and cost-effective way to change up your home when you get bored of the current surroundings.

Here are 6 simple ideas to help you create beautiful vignettes in your home. 

Group likeminded objects

Don’t get me wrong, vignettes of different objects look great. But I also love dedicating vignettes to a specific purpose. Grouping a set of candles, matches and a candlewick trimmer on a tray gives you a dedicated space for everything candle-related. Or, placing a crystal, your favourite incense or oil burner and a small plant might inspire instant meditation. 

Vary the heights

Vary the heights, shapes and materials of objects to create an interesting effect. Try to create an ‘A’ or ‘L’ shape so the eye is drawn to each object separately rather than looking at everything in a line. Using some linear and rounded objects stops the vignette from looking too sparse or too full, and using different materials like metal, glass, crystal and stone reflects light in interesting ways.

Choose a theme

Choose a theme and a colour palette inspired by your home décor so the vignette looks like it belongs. This makes selecting and displaying items easier. Including one accent shade is a great way to add colour to your room in a really subtle way. 

Ground your vignette

You can place a vignette anywhere that you think needs livening up. Common areas are on a coffee table, side table or bookshelf. You can even create a few mini vignettes to display on shelves, that together create one focal point. Choosing a solid object like a tabletop, shelf or tray helps group the items together and makes them stand out more.

Give your vignette purpose

Once you’ve decided where to put your vignette, decide what the purpose of that area is to help you choose the objects. Is it a dark corner? Then including a candle or a small mirror in the grouping will be beneficial. Is it a shelf in the kitchen? If so start your vignette with your favourite stacked cookbooks.

Add a touch of nature

Include a touch of nature in your vignette like a posy, branch, greenery or dried flowers. Not only does this help add height, dimension and break up lots of solid objects, it’s also calming and connects inside to out. 

Thanks to for providing the objects for this story

By Shelley Ferguson


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