5 tips to choose benchtop stone


There are many practical considerations to take into account when choosing a benchtop. But if you’re anything like me, the look of it comes first. There’s no point choosing a material that’s on budget, practical and on trend if it doesn’t make your eyes turn into lovehearts. The first time I saw a large slab of Sensa Taj Mahal by Cosentino it took my breath away. It’s a natural quartzite and features beautiful veining, graduating layers of white, gold and champagne and crystal details, and just like Carrie and Mr Big it was love at first sight.


Look to your current interior colour palette for clues on what benchtop to select. Gather samples of your flooring, carpet, curtains, paint and tiles and take them with you when looking at benchtop samples to see at a glance what ties in. Rather than looking at samples on a screen I recommend visiting a stone manufacturer – seeing and feeling the huge slabs up close is half the fun, you get an instant vibe for what you like, and there’s expert help on hand. I visited Cosentino and was able to view full-size slabs of all the stone I was interested in, lay samples of it out with those from my interior palette, and ensure that the under and overtones happily married. I also recommend taking stone samples home and viewing them in different lights and times of day in your kitchen.

Price it right

The benchtop is often the hero of your entire kitchen so it needs to have wow factor. However for most of us budget defines our choices. The great news is there are lots of statement benchtop materials available in every price range, from cost-effective laminate to mid-range engineered stone and high end natural stone. And keep in mind that additional to the stone cost you’ll also need to pay the fabricator’s bill (the company who cut and install the stone). My advice is to figure out a realistic budget first before getting your heart set on a material. Having actual quotes before setting your budget means you have an accurate cost before committing, therefore avoiding blowouts. 

Size Matters

This is a long kitchen so I wanted a large slab size to avoid seeing too many joins in the stone (a key detail when you have a defined pattern). Stone and engineered stone slabs come in different sizes including jumbo-size 3.2m x 1.8m, so it pays to compare the benchtop size you’ve planned to the size of the slab you want. If you do need joins which is often the case, a good fabricator is key. The full slab for my scullery was too long to get through the door so needed to be cut and joined. I used Lineastone and they did a masterful job of matching the veins so you can barely see a seam.

Are you worth it,

do you work it?

Kitchen benchtops need to work like troopers. They need to withstand all manner of food and drink spillages, hard objects being dropped on them, felt-tip marks from homework lessons and ring marks from cocktail sessions. While I opted for natural stone in this kitchen design, it needed to have surface protection to ensure that it wouldn’t dent or stain. I used quartzite as it’s a metamorphic rock and is the hardest natural benchtop stone you can get. Cosentino treat it with Senguard NK stain and UV protection that allows the stone to be used in all the ways a busy kitchen demands (including exposure to acids), while still being able to breathe and preserve its natural colour (that’s right, natural stone needs to breathe thanks to its network of pores and voids). Oh, and it doesn’t need any special maintenance. My perfect match!

You can find Sensa Taj Mahal Quartzite from Cosentino here https://www.cosentino.com/en-nz/colors/sensa/taj-mahal/ 


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